Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Beginning of the End.

It is official.  I do not have the patience, nor the resolve, to do this every day until  retirement.   These days go by much too quickly, and I fear that as I become complacent, the days will turn to years, and the years to decades.  And in a blink I will be plagued with age and its inevitable restrictions.  The World Tour by Sail Fund commences today (at least until the missus finds it).  I am taking donations by the by, and they are tax deductible (they aren't). 

What about all the books I want to read?   The stories I want to tell from the experiences I want to experience?  The different roads I want to travel?  And the soul I want to nourish?

The best I can figure is to work two years on, one year off, and take the hit come retirement.  It's either that or work until retirement, retire with a more than healthy amount of financial wherewithal, and die of a heart attack two years later.  Fuck that friends.  Here's to trying something different.  I will keep you all updated on progress, some kind of pie chart graph thing or another.
